This letter concerns child support only Regarding the two minor children James Mallory Pineda (8) and Jessica Marie Roberts (11) I Mallory Pineda agree to For each minor child the amount of $500 per month totaling $1000 month Child support payments will Children have the legal right to financial support from both parents The support agreement letter should be simple and logical It should include the amount to be paid and the date on which the payment is due It may include a plan that covers items such as school tuition, health insurance and other large itemsAnswer (1 of 5) Write the letter as you normally would At the end, leave a block for the notary to fill out If you are to make an oath that the contents you've stated in the letter are true, then you should put the following after your signature and date block (please note that you'll have to
Child Support Agreement Letter Free Letters Support Letter Child Support Lettering